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Podcast Ep. 46 Joyce Marter – Building wealth by improving your mental health

books business business finance podcast Mar 07, 2022
Joyce Marter, a woman with long dark hair, wearing a royal blue jacket, smiling at the camera, on a pink background

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Mental health and wellness was once a taboo subject, an area better swept under the carpet than discussed, especially in public. However, experts like today's guest celebrated psychotherapist and founder of Urban Balance, Joyce Marter, are removing the shame and stigma from the mental health challenges we all experience. 

Joyce is the author of the Financial Mindset Fix and today provides tools to help us succeed personally, professionally and financially. It's time to take notes!

Connect with Joyce Marter on Facebook,  Instagram or Twitter  or visit the website here.

Learn more about Joyce's book The Financial Mindset Fix: A Mental Health Fitness Program For AN Abundant Life.


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