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Podcast Ep. 6 Mel Browne and Lauren Law – Financial adulting and how to build a sustainable business

business business finance podcast Apr 16, 2021
Two woman, Mel Browne & Lauren Law, wearing black outfits, sit on a couch surrounded by plants

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Do you feel exhausted and overwhelmed at the thought of finance, making ends-meat, and having enough money to create a life you'll love? Are you a business owner who struggles to make a profit? Tune into episode 6 of the Secrets of Successful Business where finance A-Team Mel Browne and Lauren Law from the Money Barre talk about personal and business finance, building wealth and how to turn your business from a hobby into a profit-making machine.

We also chat about:

  • How your money story impacts everything you do;
  • Starting a business that works for your life;
  • What it really takes to make 6 and 7 figures;
  • Tax tips – what can you really claim on your tax return;
  • Mel's secret for creating a successful business; and
  • Why Croc's aren't shoes!

If you need help with your finances or simply want tips on how to do money better,  find out more about Mel's fab new course Financial Adulting with Mel and Lawsie.


This episode is brought to you by

Flossi Creative and Business Money Magnet 
Simple habits to manage your money and supercharge your profits.

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