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Podcast Ep. 70 Chelsea Pottenger - The Mindful High Performer - Simple yet powerful shifts to help recharge your mental health

business mindset podcast wellness Sep 06, 2022
Chelsea Pottenger, a woman with long blond hair, wearing a tan short-sleeved shirt with a collar, sitting at a desk holding a pen, looking sideways at the camera and smiling

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In May 2015, today’s guest Chelsea Pottenger, found herself suicidal and in a mental hospital. For Chelsea, a self-confessed high achiever and Type A personality, it was the last thing she expected to happen when she gave birth to her first child.

But rather than wondering why this had happened to her, Chelsea viewed her predicament as an opportunity. As part of her recovery she studied psychology and radically shifted her priorities to put her mental health first, the process so life changing that she founded her business EQ Minds.

Today, an accredited mindfulness and mediation coach, and mental health ambassador for R U OK and the Gidget Foundation, Chelsea works with the world’s biggest brands. In addition, EQ Minds helps more than 90,000 professionals every year take charge of their mental health. Chelsea is on a mission to share the tools and resources that saved her life, and in this episode, we’re going to discuss simple, yet powerful, shifts to help recharge your mental health to improve your mental health, how to achieve a high-performance mindset, plus so much more.

Connect with Chelsea on Instagram or visit the website, or buy Chelsea’s new book The Mindful High Performer, it’s a goodie!


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