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Podcast Ep. 73 Justine McLean - The 10 must-haves if you want to create the business of your dreams

business business tips podcast Sep 27, 2022
Justine McLean, a woman with long blond hair, wearing glasses, a bright pink jacket and white shirt, smiling at the camera, on a pale pink background.

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As entrepreneurs we all want success. Often we want what 'they've' got; the business, product, idea or success that we perceive the business owner we admire, or the one we see on social media has achieved. But I'm here to tell you that not all businesses are not created equal. While I'm the first one to give credit to those business owners who make it all look so simple, the reality is, what appears simple is likely anything but easy. Still doesn't stop the imposter syndrome, right?

Over many years now, I've been fortunate enough to see behind the scenes of a LOT of businesses. So, in today's podcast, I'm sharing the 10 must-haves if you want to create a successful business. One that speaks to your definition of success, your dream. From your ideal client to marketing, finances and the quick, sure-fire ways to get from A to B in no time flat, I guarantee there's an AHA moment incoming.

Take a listen and let me know your AHA from today's episode. Send me an email at [email protected], I'd love to hear what action you'll take to help you create the business of your dreams.


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