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Podcast Ep. 99 Justine McLean - Does your money story really matter in business?

bus business finances mindset podcast May 02, 2023
Justine McLean, a woman with long blond hair tied behind, wearing glasses, a dark pink shirt, and a black jacket, smiling, with arms open wide, on a pale blue background

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Money stories? Are they really a thing and do they really impact your business?

Everywhere you look, whether it’s on TV, social media or the internet, there’s talk about money, interest rates, doom, gloom, what might happen when. The result? Triggers left and right, customers not showing up and buying, purse tightening, you get the picture. And that’s where the dreaded money story rears its head. 

Honestly, up until about 10 years I didn’t know it was even a thing but after a friend suggested I do this quiz from Kendall Summerhawk to help battle my own money demons, I realised there might be something in it. I weighed up the pros and cons and started to make some much-needed money changes. 

So, what’s your money story and how is it impacting your business? Dive into today’s episode where I share all about it. Oh and if you liked the quiz above and want to do another one, here’s one by arguably Kendall’s top student Denise Duffield Thomas.

This episode is brought to you by

Flossi Creative and Business Money Magnet 
Simple habits to manage your money and supercharge your profits.

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